Looking for a place to park in downtown Greensburg? Some new signage around the square makes it easier than ever.
Over the past six months, Main Street Greensburg has been busy installing various signage around Greensburg. The group has also added a few other downtown features, all through a grant from the Decatur County Community Foundation.
“We purchased planters, trashcans, wayfinding signs, and parking signs, thanks to the Decatur County Community Foundation,” said Tonya Downey, Executive Director of Main Street Greensburg. “The new additions have made downtown more functional and appealing for all who live in Greensburg and those just passing through.”
Main Street Greensburg’s mission focuses on preserving and supporting the downtown community, and the Decatur County Community Foundation is excited to help the group accomplish that mission.
“Through the years, Main Street Greensburg has done a great job reviving the downtown area,” said Community Foundation Executive Director Tami Wenning. “Our Courthouse Square is an important part of Decatur County’s identity. The Foundation is happy to do its part in helping the Main Street Greensburg group create a thriving, bustling downtown.”
“Volunteers, local businesses, partnering organizations, board members, and sponsors…all share a belief in Greensburg’s prospering downtown economy, design aesthetics, and way of life,” said Downey. “Main Street Greensburg will continue to grow, improve, promote, and enhance our historic square and downtown as a result of continued support.”
Main Street Greensburg’s grant was awarded last winter during the Community Foundation’s final large grant cycle of the year. The last grant cycle for 2021 is now underway. Letters of intent are due on September 10. Organizations with a 501(c)(3) are eligible to apply for up to $15,000 in funding through that process. Agencies interested in funding should visit dccfound.org for more information, or contact the Foundation office at 812-662-6364.
